- Home
- Information public services
- Doing business
- Business operation
- Changes in existing business
- Coaching & development centers
- Doing business with the government
- Financing
- International business
- Laws and regulations
- Licenses and permits
- Starting a business
- Employment
- Doing business
- Digital counter
- Doing business and work
- Permit import prohibition chicken eggs
- Permit shop closing hours
- Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) with managing director(s) not subject to a license
- Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) with one or more managing director(s) subject to a license and with one or more branches
- Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) with one or more managing director(s) subject to a license
- Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) with one or more managing director(s) subject to a license
- Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) without one or more managing director(s) subject to a license, but with one or more branches
- Request amendment of business-nature of an existing established business
- Request expansion of business-activities of an existing established business
- Request for a Cooperative society by Aruban law
- Request for a Foundation by Aruban law
- Request for a General Partnership
- Request for a company governed by foreign law with one or more managing director(s) not subject to a license
- Request for a company governed by foreign law with one or more managing director(s) subject to a license
- Request for a legal entity to act as managing partner of a limited partnership
- Request for a natural person to act as managing partner of a limited partnership
- Request for a sole proprietorship
- Request for amendment of the license (other than amendment of business-nature) of an existing established business
- Request for one or more (new) managing director(s) subject to a license
- Request for one or more branches of a company under Aruban or foreign law which already is operating a local business with the necessary license
- Request to relocate a business and simultaneously for (new) managing director(s) subject to a license
- Request to relocate an existing established business
- Request to relocate and simultaneously expand business-activities of an existing established business
- Request withdrawal of existing business license(s) by the Minister of Economic Affairs - DEACI
- News
- Doing business and work
- Governance & administration
- Aruba and the Kingdom
- Departments
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, Communication and Sustainable Development
- Ministry of Education and Sport
- Ministry of Finance and Culture
- Ministry of General Affairs, Innovation, Government Organization, Infrastructure and Spatial Planning
- Ministry of Justice and Social Affairs
- Ministry of Labor, Integration and Energy
- Ministry of Tourism and Public Health
- Ministry of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Elderly Affairs
- Government
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, Communication and Sustainable Development
- Aruba Investment Agency (ARINA)
- Bureau Intellectual Property (BIE)
- Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry (DEZHI)
- Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry (DEZHI-Initiativa pa Desaroyo di Empresa Arubano - IDEA)
- Directie Telecommunicatie Zaken (DTZ)
- Free Zone Aruba N.V. (FZA)
- Post Aruba N.V. (Post-Oranjestad)
- Post Aruba N.V. (Post-San Nicolas)
- Post Aruba N.V. (Post-Santa Cruz)
- Servicio na Defensa di Consumidor (SEDECO) Department of Consumers Defense
- Setar N.V. (Setar)
- Setar N.V. (Setar-Helpdesk mobile telephone)
- Social and Economic Council (SER)
- Ministry of Education and Sport
- Aruba Sport Unie (ASU)
- Aruba Sport Unie (ASU-San)
- Biblioteca Nacional Aruba (BNA)
- Biblioteca Nacional Aruba (BNA-Arubiana/Caribiana)
- Biblioteca Nacional Aruba (BNA-San Nicolas)
- Bureau Leerplicht (BLP)
- Bureau Traimerdia (BTM)
- Comite Olimpico Arubano (COA)
- Department of Education (DO)
- Department of Education (DO-Aruba loan & Study facilities)
- Department of Education (DO-Curriculum Ontwikkeling)
- Department of Education (DO-Diploma Evaluatie)
- Department of Education (DO-Landsexanen, Naturalisatie toets / Examenbureau)
- Department of Education (DO-Multidisciplinair Centrum (MC))
- Department of Education (DO-Proyecto Idioma)
- Department of Education (DO-Scol Arubano Multilingual - SAM)
- Department of Education (DO-Subsidy Project - book, calculator, bus)
- Dienst Publieke Scholen (DPS)
- Inspectie Onderwijs (IO)
- Instituto Biba Saludabel y Activo (IBISA)
- Instituto Pedagogico Arubano (IPA)
- Ministry of Education, Science and Sustainable Development (MinOWDO)
- Public Education (OO)
- University of Aruba (UVA)
- Ministry of Finance and Culture
- Archeologisch Museum Aruba (AMA)
- Aruba Music School Rufo Wever (AMRW)
- Cas di Cultura (CDC)
- Central Audit Department (CAD)
- Central Bank of Aruba (CBA)
- Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS)
- Departamento di Aduana (Douane)
- Departamento di Impuesto (DIMP)
- Department of Finance (DF)
- Directie Cultuur Aruba (DCA)
- Financial Intelligence Unit | Meldpunt Ongebruikelijke Transacties (FIU | MOT)
- Fundacion Cas Pa Comunidad Arubano (FCCA)
- High Commissioner Aruba Financial Center (HCAFC)
- Historisch Museum Aruba (HMA)
- Ministry of Finance and Culture
- Monuments Office Aruba (MBA)
- National Commitee 'United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization' Aruba (UNESCO)
- Office for Government Grant Coordination (CBOS)
- Stichting Algemeen Pensioenfonds Aruba (APFA)
- Stichting Monumenten Fonds Aruba (SMFA)
- Union di Organisacionnan Cultural Arubano (UNOCA)
- Ministry of General Affairs, Innovation, Government Organization, Infrastructure and Spatial Planning
- Advisory Board (RVA)
- Aruba National Archives (ANA)
- Bureau European Union and Kingdom Relations (BEUK)
- Civil Registry Office (DBSB)
- Civil Registry Office (DBSB-Passport with appointment)
- Crisis Management Office (BRB)
- Departamento di Recurso Humano (DRH)
- Department for Infrastructure Management and Planning (DIP)
- Department for Technical Inspections (DTI-Keuringslokaal)
- Department for Tehnical Inspections (DTI)
- Department of Information Technology and Automation (DIA)
- Department of Legislation and Legal Affairs (DWJZ)
- Dienst Landmeetkunde en Vastgoedregistratie (DLV)
- Dienst Landmeetkunde en Vastgoedregistratie (DLV-Hypothecaire en kadastrale boekhouding)
- Dienst Openbare Werken (DOW)
- Elmar N.V. (Elmar-Interruption Services)
- Foreign Relations Office (DBB)
- General Audit Chamber (AR)
- Gevolmachtigde Minister van Aruba in Nedederland (GevMinNed)
- Gevolmachtigde Minister van Aruba in USA (GevMinUSA)
- Government Information Services (BUVO)
- Government auxiliary office in Noord (HBKNRD)
- Government auxiliary office in Paradera (HBKPAR)
- Government auxiliary office in San Nicolas (HBKSAN)
- Government auxiliary office in Santa Cruz (HBKSTC)
- Government auxiliary office in Savaneta (HBKSAV)
- Marine Corps Base Savaneta (MkSav)
- Ministry of General Affairs, Integrity, Government Organisation, Innovation and Energy (MinAZIOIE)
- Multifunctionele Accomodatie Noord (MFA Noord)
- Multifunctionele Accomodatie Paradera (MFA Paradera)
- Multifunctionele Accomodatie Santa Cruz (MFA Santa Cruz)
- Multifunctionele Accomodatie Savaneta (MFA Savaneta)
- Office Secretary of the Council of Ministers (Secr.MR)
- Office of Internal Services (BID)
- Ministry of Justice and Social Affairs
- Aruba Fire Department (KBA)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Beach patrol)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Border patrol - Airport)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Border patrol - Seaport)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Drivers license Division)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Head commissariat)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police School)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police quarter Dakota)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police quarter Jaburibari)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police quarter Piedra Plat)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police quarter Simeon Antonio)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police station Noord)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police station Oranjestad)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police station Oranjestad)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police station San Nicolas)
- Aruba Police Force (KPA-Police station Santa Cruz)
- Bureau Guarda Nos Costa (GNC)
- Bureau Sostenemi (BSO)
- Bureau of Addiction Care and Counselling (BOV)
- Bureau of Women's Affairs (CEDEHM)
- Correctional Institute Aruba (KIA)
- Department of Casino Affairs (DAC)
- Department of Security (CEA)
- Directie Sociale Zaken (DSZ)
- Guardianship Council (DVR)
- Immigration department of Aruba
- Joint Court of Justice of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten and of Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba (GHJ)
- National Criminal Investigation Department (LR)
- Objection Advisory Board (LAR)
- Public Prosecutor's Office (OM)
- Social Psychiatric Services (SPD)
- Ministry of Labor, Integration and Energy
- Bureau Landsbemiddelaar (BLB)
- Centro pa Desaroyo di Aruba (CEDE Aruba)
- Departamento di Progreso Laboral (DPL)
- Department for the Integration, Management and Admission of Foreign Nationals (DIMAS)
- Department of Labor and Investigation (DAO)
- Elmar N.V. (Elmar)
- Enseñansa Pa Empleo (EPE)
- Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour (MinSZA)
- Refineria di Aruba N.V. (RDA)
- Utilities Aruba N.V.
- Volkskredietbank van Aruba (VKB)
- W.E.B. Aruba N.V. (water- en energiebedrijf)
- Ministry of Tourism and Public Health
- Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA)
- Aruba Kingdom Games Foundation (SKA)
- Aruba Ports Authority N.V. (APA)
- Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA)
- Commission of Sports Subsidy (SSC)
- Department of Public Health (DVG)
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Center for Disease Control and Prevention (PGZ))
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Division for Infectious Disease (DBZ) - Section Foodhandlers)
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Division for Infectious Disease (DBZ))
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Division of Sanitary Control (HD))
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Veterinary Services (VET))
- Department of Public Health (DVG-Yellow fever and Mosquito Control (GKMB))
- Fundacion Arubano Maneho di Facilidadnan Deportivo (FAMFD)
- Fundacion Facilidadnan Deportivo Frans Figaroa (FFDFF)
- Fundacion Lotto pa Deporte (Lotto)
- Health Inspection Aruba (IVA)
- Instituto Medico San Nicolas (IMSAN)
- Medical Laboratory Services Aruba Foundation (FSLMA)
- Ministry of Tourism, Public Health and Sports (MinTVS)
- National Health Insurance (AZV)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-Call in sick center)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-Collection & Recovery)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-External Control)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-Pension)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-Poortwachter)
- Social Security Bank of Aruba (SVB-San Nicolas branch)
- Ministry of Transport, Integrity, Nature and Elderly Affairs
- Air Navigation Services Aruba N.V. (ANSA)
- Aruba Waste Removal Services (Serlimar)
- Aruba Waste Removal Services (Serlimar-Small carcasses removal)
- Aruba Waste Removal Services (Serlimar-Tanki Flip)
- Arubus N.V.
- Aruparking
- Bureau Integriteit Aruba (BIA)
- Departamento Meteorologico Aruba (DMA)
- Department of Civil Aviation Aruba (DLA)
- Department of Nature and Environment (DNM)
- Department of Public Transportation (DTP)
- Directie Scheepvaart Aruba (DSA)
- Fundacion Centro di Pesca Hadicurari (Hadicurari)
- Fundacion Parke Nacional Arikok (FPNA)
- Inspectie Beveiliging Scheep- en Luchtvaart (IBSL)
- Ministry of Transport, Communications and Primary Sector (MinTCPS)
- Setar N.V. (Setar-Customer care)
- Setar N.V. (Setar-Helpdesk Setarnet)
- Setar N.V. (Setar-Helpdesk fixed telephone)
- Setar N.V. (Setar-Interruption)
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, Communication and Sustainable Development
- National ordinances (laws)
- 01. Constitution
- 02. Public administration
- 02.01. Grondgebied
- 02.02. Kenmerken en ordetekens
- 02.03. Landsbedrijven
- 02.04. Bescherming rechtsorde en staatsveiligheid
- 02.05. Kiesrecht
- 02.06. Openbaarheid van bestuur
- 02.07. Onteigening
- 02.08. Uitoefening overige grondrechten
- 02.09. Wetgeving
- 02.10. Beheer en overdracht domaniale gronden
- 02.11. Financieel en comptabel beheer
- 02.12. Begrotingen en jaarrekeningen
- 02.13. Begrotingsfondsen
- 02.14. Schulden en garanties
- 02.15. Subsidie
- 02.16. Uitoefening toezicht
- 02.17. Uitvoeren verdragen en resoluties
- 03. Public sector workers
- 03.01. Rechtspositie algemeen
- 03.02. Georganiseerd overleg
- 03.03. Benoeming en beëindiging der dienstbetrekking
- 03.04. Gezag over het personeel
- 03.05. Vakantie en vrijstelling van dienst
- 03.06. Bezoldiging
- 03.07. Wachtgeld
- 03.08. Toelagen, vergoedingen, tegemoetkomingen
- 03.09. Pensioen
- 03.10. Pensioenfonds
- 03.11. Verstrekkingen
- 03.12. Verzekering
- 03.13. Opleiding
- 04. Public finance
- 04.01. Algemene bepalingen der belastingen
- 04.01a. Onderlinge regelingen belastingen
- 04.02. Invordering van belastingen
- 04.03. Voorkoming van dubbele belastingen
- 04.04. Belastingfaciliteiten
- 04.04a. Dividendbelasting en imputatiebetaling
- 04.04b. Belasting op bedrijfsomzetten
- 04.05. Winstbelasting
- 04.06. Inkomsten- en loonbelasting
- 04.07. Grondbelasting
- 04.08. Gebruiksbelasting
- 04.09. Toeristenheffing
- 04.09a. Bijzondere belastingen verblijf
- 04.10. Motorrijtuig- en motorbootbelasting
- 04.11. Belastingen publieke verkopingen
- 04.12. Zegelbelasting
- 04.13. Overdrachtsbelasting
- 04.14. Successiebelasting
- 04.15. Registratiebelasting
- 04.16. Invoerrechten
- 04.17. Accijnzen
- 04.18. Retributies en leges
- 05. Public order
- 05.01. Algemene regelingen
- 05.02. Wapens en munitie
- 05.03 Toelating en uitzetting
- 05.04. Burgerlijke stand en bevolking
- 05.05. Identiteit
- 05.06. Bescherming van beroep/titel
- 05.07. Bioscoopvoorstellingen
- 05.08. Bewakings- en beveiligingsdiensten
- 05.09. Kansspelen
- 05.10. Geluidsoverlast
- 05.11. Overige aangelegenheden betreffende de openbare orde
- 06. Public housing, regional/spatial planning and environmental protection
- 07. Public health
- 08. Public safety
- 09. Traffic, transportation and telecommunication
- 10. Economic affairs
- 10.01. Statistiek
- 10.02. Metrologie
- 10.03. Veeteelt en visserij
- 10.04. Mijnbouw
- 10.05. Energievoorziening
- 10.06. Handel en ambacht
- 10.07. Industriële en intellectuele eigendom
- 10.08. Vrije zones
- 10.09. Bank- en kredietwezen
- 10.10. Spaarwezen
- 10.11. Geldwezen
- 10.12. Prijsvorming
- 10.13. Vestiging en uitoefening van bedrijven
- 10.14. In- en uitvoerverboden
- 10.15. Toerisme
- 11. Labor
- 12. Social care and social security
- 13. Education and culture
- 13.01. Kleuteronderwijs
- 13.02. Basisonderwijs
- 13.03. Voortgezet onderwijs
- 13.04. Hoger onderwijs
- 13.04a. Leerplicht
- 13.05. Rechtspositie onderwijzend personeel
- 13.06. Bezoldiging onderwijzend personeel
- 13.07. Toezicht op het onderwijs
- 13.08. Bevordering van de studie
- 13.09. Diploma's
- 13.10. Historische en andere culturele waarden
- 13.11. Kunst, wetenschappen en taal
- 14. Justice (legal procedure)
- 15. Civil law
- 15.01 Burgerlijk Wetboek
- 15.02 Wettelijke regelingen verband houdende met het Burgerlijk Wetboek
- 15.03 Wetboek van Koophandel
- 15.04 Wettelijke regelingen verband houdende met het Wetboek van Koophandel
- 15.05 Faillissement
- 15.06 Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering
- 15.07 Wettelijke regelingen verband houdende met het Wetboek van Burgerlijke Rechtsvordering
- 15.08 Hypotheek, kadaster, grensregeling
- 16. Criminal law
- 17. Military service
- Making of laws
- Parlamento
- Permanent Advisory Councils (Vaste Colleges van Advies)
- News
- Official Gazettes
- Official Journals
- Public tenders
- 1e fase Nieuwbouw Mon Plaisir College HAVO-school, te Oranjestad
- Beveiliging- en bewakingswerkzaamheden
- Beveiliging- en bewakingswerkzaamheden ten behoeve van John F. Kennedy Education Center.
- Beveiligingswerkzaamheden Multi Functionele Accommodatie (MFA) gebouwen en Hulpbestuurskantoor San Nicolaas
- Cafetaria MFA Noord - Sta Cruz – Savaneta - Paradera
- Dakrenovatie t.b.v. Basis-, Kleuterschool en Gymzaal Washington te Noord
- Het leveren van uniformkleding, uitmonstering en schoeisel Douane Aruba.
- Kwaliteitsverbetering landscaping Eagle Beach Boulevard, 1ste fase
- Kwaliteitsverbetering landscaping Eagle Beach Boulevard, 2de fase
- Leveren en aanbrengen van afrastering t.b.v. Emmaschool te Ayo en Colegio San Hose te Santa Cruz”
- Nieuw te bouwen twee kiosken te Baby Beach
- Parkeerplaats Baby Beach; Upgrading Baby Beach Area fase 3
- Plaza Tino Ruiz te KPA Noord
- Public Tenders Archive
- Reconstructie Betonnen Trap te Rodger’s Beach Sero Colorado
- Reconstructie betonnen trap te Baby Beach – Sero Colorado
- Regenwaterafvoer te Pos Chikito ten zuiden van Rey Hing Supermarket
- Renovatie Biblioteca Nacional Aruba te Oranjestad
- Renovatie Brandweer station Sierra te San Nicolas
- Renovatie Directie Sociale Zaken Oranjestad
- Renovatie van trap & bouw van uitkijkpunt te Hooiberg
- Revitalisatie Wilhelminastraat, fase 1
- Rotonde te kruispunt Palm Beach
- Schoonmaakdiensten t.b.v. Directie Onderwijs
- Terms of Reference and Technical Specifications for the Software and Hardware part of the Voice Alarm & Public Address (VA/PA)
- Upgrading Infrastructuur High Rise Hotels Area, fase 1
- “Levering van 65 voertuigen door middel van leaseovereenkomst ten behoeve van Dienst Openbare Werken”.
- News
- Reports and documents
- Aanwijzingen, Richtlijnen en Instructies Openbaar Ministerie Directions/ Aanwijzing, linea di maneho y instruccion Ministerio Publico/ Guidelines and Instructions Public Prosecutor's Office
- Algemene Rekenkamer / Controlaria General / Court of Audit
- Financieel toezicht / Supervision financiero / Financial supervision
- Jaarverslag Land Aruba / Relato anual Pais Aruba / Annual report Country of Aruba
- Landspakket/Country package
- Meerjarenprogramma / Programa multi anual / Multiannual programme
- Money Laundering Report
- Natuur en Milieu / Naturalesa y medio ambiente / Nature and Environment
- Onderwijs
- Overheidssubsidie/Subsidio di gobierno/Government Grant
- Overige Reports and documents
- Aruba's Transitie Naar Een Duurzaam & Inclusief Economisch Model
- Aruba's Transition to a Sustainable & Inclusive Economic Model
- Bekendmaking aan alle leveranciers van Land Aruba - Algemene voorwaarden voor levering van goederen en diensten aan Land Aruba
- Bekendmaking voorwaardelijk gedoogbeleid met betrekking tot onderwaterjachtmiddelen
- Beleid Directie Natuur en Milieu Build with Nature
- Beleid artsen en tandartsen
- Beleid hotelvergunning
- Beleid latere sluitingstijden horecagelegenheden
- Brochure beleidsrichtlijnen vestiging van bedrijven
- Circular Economy Vision 2050
- Commissie van toezicht betreffende de veiligheidsdienst Aruba Onderzoeksrapport nr. 2
- Commissie van toezicht betreffende de veiligheidsdienst Aruba Onderzoeksrapport nr. 3
- Crisisbeheersingsplan 2018
- Doelmatigheid en effectiviteit van de gezondheidszorg op Aruba
- Economic policy 2019-2022
- Fitch Ratings - Aruba Full Rating Report - April 28, 2016
- Handleiding FDA
- Infoblad motorrijtuigbelasting 2016
- Infoblad motorrijtuigbelasting 2017
- Jaarverslag 2022 Veiligheidsdienst Aruba
- Jaarverslagen Directie Cultuur Aruba
- MINISTERIËLE BESCHIKKING - Aanwijzingen voor de regelgeving
- Nationaal Statistisch Systeem
- Nieuw beleid Arbeidsparticipatie Aruba
- Ondernemings- en investeringsklimaat Aruba
- Rapport Naleving Commissie van Toezicht op de Veiligheidsdienst Aruba
- Rapport Zorgakkoord duurzame inrichting gezondheidszorg op Aruba
- Ruimtelijke ontwikkeling en gronduitgifte beleid Directie Infrastructuur en Planning
- Stage- en uitzendregeling
- Subsidiebeleid Aruba
- Toelichting Landsbesluit bescherming inheemse flora en fauna
- Toelichting aangifte inkomstenbelasting 2015 - uitgebreide versie
- Toelichting aangifte inkomstenbelasting 2015 - verkorte versie
- ZIENSWIJZE ARUBA Inzake eindrapport B.8 Deliverable IV1
- Raad van Advies/Advisory Council
- Regeerprogramma / Programa di gobernacion / Government programme
- Ruimtelijk Ontwikkelingsplan 2019/Plan di Desaroyo Espacial 2019/Spatial Development Plan 2019
- Statistisch jaarboek / Buki anual di statistiek / Statistical yearbook
- Toelatingsbeleid vreemdelingen / Maneho admision di stranhero / Admission policy foreign nationals
- Verdrag / Tratado / Treaty
- Job vacancies