Employment contract

*To be filled by DAO

Working Hours

A maximum of 8½ hours daily for a 5-day working week, not exceeding 42½ hours is allowed, or a maximum of 8 hours daily not exceeding 45 hours for a 6-day working week, except for enterprises such as hotels, casinos, restaurants and oil refining, for which shift work is required and a maximum of 48 hours per week is allowed.

Holidays With Pay

Each employee is entitled to a paid holiday of at least fifteen working days per year. Eleven days of the year are public holidays.

Overtime work per hour is compensated as follows:
Monday through Saturday: + 50%
Sunday: + 100%

Work on a public holiday is compensated 100% above the normal hourly wage. Shift work is compensated 15% above the normal hourly wage, when mutually agreed upon or when a collective labor agreement is in force.

Severance Pay

The employee whose employment has been terminated for reasons other than his fault is entitled to a layoff compensation, calculated as follows:

  • One (1) week pay per each year between 1 and 10 years of service;
  • One-and-a-quarter (1¼) week pay per each year between 11 and 20 years of service;
  • Two (2) weeks pay for each year of service above 20 years.
  • In virtue of this ordinance the employer is obliged to contribute with a premium of Awg. 40,- per year per employee to the Cessantia Fund.