Electoral register 2024
By care of or on behalf of the Minister of General Affairs, a Electoral register (Register of Voters) shall be maintained of the eligible persons listed in the population register. For the Parliamentary elections of December 6, 2024,the closing of the Voters' Register will take place on September 18, 2024. The Voters' Register lists each voter's last name, first names, place and date of birth, and address..
For the 2024 elections, there are 69.823 persons eligible to vote.
Are you eligible to vote and want to verify this and know which ballot box (stembureau) you are assigned to? You can fill out the Voter’s checktool

Who are the potential voters for the upcoming election 2024 in Aruba?
CBS presents the following data about potential voters in Aruba:
Total voters, total voters by sex, country of birth, age group, generation by birth year and by region.