The business licensing guidelines pursuant to the Establishment Ordinance are amended effective October 1, 2022.

However, the requests under the “Business Establishment Ordinance” received before October 1, 2022, will be evaluated according to the old guidelines.

For more information, you may consult the following brochure (in Dutch):

Brochure beleidsrichtlijnen vestiging bedrijven ingaande 1 oktober 2022 

The director’s license is necessary for each of the corporation's (NV, VBA or AVV) managing directors, who were not born in Aruba, do not have the Dutch nationality and/or are younger than 18 years and/or for an another corporation that will act as managing director of the corporation.

This is also valid for managing directors of foundations and cooperative associations holding a business. The application must be directed to the Minister of Economic Affairs. In case the applicant is a not an Aruban born Dutch national, a residency and work permit is required as well when intending to take up residency in Aruba and to be employed by the corporation (NV, VBA or AVV). The application for the work & residency permit must be directed to the Department of Integration, Management and Admission of Foreign nationals (DIMAS).