Departamento di Recurso Humano (DRH)

The core task of the Department of Human Resources:
• Is the development and implementation of personnel and organizational policy for the Aruban government.
The mission of DRH is:
- To contribute to a fully functioning public administration organization through the development and implementation of an effective and efficient HR policy, that is able to provide services and products of high quality level to the Aruban community.
Besides the mission, the vision is also formulated:
- The vision of Department of Human Resources is to convert the department as soon as practicable in a fully functioning organization, which is characterized by a participative management, capable and motivated staff, as well as by a high degree of innovation orientation, results orientation and customer focus.
The main objectives of the DRH are as follows:
- Contribute to an effective and efficient functioning government organization.
- Contribute to the professionalization of the government organization through the implementation of a targeted policy on education and training (ED integral policy).
- Contribute to increasing the motivation and productivity within the public sector organization.
- Ensure optimal qualitative and quantitative staffing of the government organization.
- Ensure the uniform and consistent application of legal status regulations and policies.
- Modernize on a continuous basis the P & O policy.
- Improve the quality of service of the DRH.
- Contribute to improving the quality of internal and external services for the public sector organization.
- Contribute to better management and accountability information on P & O area.