Request withdrawal of existing business license(s) by the Minister of Economic Affairs - DEACI

According to the Business Licensing Ordinance license(s) granted by the Minister of Economic Affairs can be withdrawn, either in conformity with article 7 of mentioned ordinance or on request of the interested party.

Where to request? / More information at

The division Establishment of business - helpdesk, office no. 15. Tel. 521-2400 ext. 250 of the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry.

How to request? / What must I do?

The application must contain the data of the license(s) to be withdrawn and the business in question, such as data of the sole proprietorship (owner), managing-director(s), general partnership or other legal entity. Request can be submitted at the Helpdesk.

What to take with me?

The application form and the required documents (if applicable), for example the minutes to approve the discharge/resignation of the director and dissolution of a partnership.

What are the requirements?

The request must be signed by the owner, partner(s) and/or managing director(s) or his/her authorized representative.

What are the costs involved?

No fee is involved for the handling of this application.