The best legal advice is to consult a lawyer before you need one. Whenever you have an important decision to make, it’s best to review your plans with an attorney before taking action. It’s the attorney’s job to make the legal system work for you and to protect your interests. Seek the advice of a lawyer before you sign anything.

Lawyers are experts in a particular field, such as taxes, real estate, criminal justice, contracts, labor, environment and even bankruptcy.

How can an attorney help you?

  • By helping you set up your company (corporation, partnership, proprietorship).
  • By reviewing proposed lease, sales and other business contacts.
  • By helping you understand and meet your responsibilities as an employer and to discuss employee benefits and employment contracts.
  • By helping you understand and meet any environmental responsibilities.
  • By advising you on tax, zoning, lien and foreclosure matters.
  • By advising you on collection efforts and bankruptcy, both from the creditor and debtor viewpoint.
  • By advising you on your relationship with a landlord or tenant.

Tips for selecting an attorney…

  • Ask for references and resumes.
  • Interview candidates to determine whether they have the experience and expertise in the areas in which you need help.
  • Remember that your attorney will act on your behalf. Select someone who understands and can represent your interests.
  • Look for an attorney who is well-organized.
  • Make sure the attorney is someone you like and can respect. Otherwise, you will be paying for advice you’re not likely to follow.

When you meet with an attorney, bring copies of all documents that will be reviewed, such as leases, contracts or purchase agreements. Also, bring all supporting paperwork - letters, records, etc. It’s better to bring more than less, and have a clear understanding of the issues to be resolved and what you want the attorney to accomplish. Don’t be afraid to ask what other specialties are represented by the firm.