Steps for registering a business

You proceed directly to the Chamber of Commerce for registration through the Trade Registry forms. You need to submit the following documents:

    • Original passport plus copy of passport (only page with photo) or original and copy of valid ID (photocopy of both sides) of the owner and of the authorized representative, if applicable;
    • Extract of inscription in the Civil Registry of Aruba (not older than one month) of the owner and of the authorized representative if applicable, mentioning address.
    • Regarding business address: copy of water, electricity or telecommunication bill (not older than 2 months) at the business address or copy of the lease contract or the deed of purchase of the premises where the business is established or a letter of the owner of the premises where the business is established in which he agrees with the use of this and where he commits himself to deliver all correspondence to the owner of the business (the so-called Declaration).
    • If the owner is married outside community of property: a copy of the marriage certificate must be provided.
    • If owner is under 18 years of age: a copy of the Court Decision or of the wedding book must be provided. If the registration occurs through an authorized representative: a letter of authority (original) with passport or valid ID (original).
    • Payment of the amount for the first registration. For the trade registration you should double check on the website of Chamber of Commerce if the business name already exists