Candidates lists 2017

Announcement date candidacy

All authorized representatives (proxy) of each political party, registered at the Electoral Council, will receive a letter from the Civil Registry Office setting out the deadline for the submission of the lists and requirements. The letter also has a candidate list as attachment that must be filled out. The requirements are:

  1. A list, among others, can only consist of maximum 29 candidates: 8 more than the total to be elected Parliamentary members;
  2. Political parties without representation in the Parliament must complete a total of 578 signatures of voters (= at least one percent (1%) of the sum of valid votes, which were determined last election by the Electoral Committee, rounded up to the nearest whole number) to be able to participate in the elections;
  3. A candidate may only appear on one candidate list;
  4. A voter may only support (sign) one candidate list

Submission of candidates lists

On August 4, 2017, political parties can submit their candidates list to the chairman of the Electoral Council.
Place: Town Hall (Stadhuis)
            Schoolstraat 2
Time: 09.00 - 16.00 hrs

Time schedule for political parties to submit their candidates list

8 political parties (including the combination UPP and PPA), registered at the Electoral Council, have submitted a list of candidates to participate in the 2017 elections. In addition to the parties AVP and  MEP now represented in the Parliament, the parties CURPA, MAS, POR, RAIZ, RED, and UPP/PPA, will also participate in the elections.

Candidates lists 2017


AVP - Arubaanse Volkspartij / Christen Democraten Aruba
Authorized representative: Mr. mr. M.G. Eman
Deputy authorized representative: Mr. mr. P. E. Croes
CURPA - Cristiannan Uni Reforzando Potencial di Aruba
Authorized representative: Mr. E. Ras  
Deputy authorized representative: Mrs. C. Lampe 
MAS - Movimiento Aruba Soberano
Authorized representative: Mr. P.N. Figaroa
Deputy authorized representative: Mr. Y.M Winklaar
MEP - Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo
Authorized representative: Mrs. mr. E. Wever Croes
Deputy Authorized representative: Mrs. mr. X. Ruiz-Maduro
POR - Pueblo Orguyoso y Respeta
Authorized representative: Mr. O.E. Oduber 
Deputy authorized representative: Mr. S.R. Arends
Authorized representative: de heer   T.F. Lee
Deputy authorized representative: de heer  U.M. Arends
RED - Red Democratico
Authorized representative: Mr. ir. L.R. Croes
Deputy authorized representative: Mr. ing. H.U. De Cuba


UPP - Union Patriotico ProgresistaAuthorized representative: Mr. Candelario A.S.D. Wever
Deputy authorized representative: Mr.Raymond R. Hernandez

PPA - Partido Patriotico di Aruba
Authorized representative: Mr. B. J. M. Nisbet
Deputy authorized representative: Mr. C.E.E. Bennett

Examination Candidates Lists

On August 18, 2017, the Principal Electoral Committee (Hoofdstembureau) will hold a meeting to examine the lists. Until August 21, 2017, the Principal Electoral Committee may submit a written report regarding discovered omissions, for example missing documents. The political party may, until August 24, 2017, correct the omissions, as indicated in the notice, by supplementing the missing or incomplete documents themselves at the Principal Electoral Committee. On August 25, 2017, the Electoral Council will decide on the validity of the candidates lists.

Decision validity Candidates lists

On August 25, 2017, in a public session the Electoral Council will decide on the validity of  the candidates lists. Pursuant to Article 31 of the Election Ordinance, the Electoral Council will publicly announce these candidates lists. These lists are available at the Civil Registry Office.

Numbering of lists and granting of color  

In case no appeal is filed, the Electoral Council will proceed with the numbering of the lists and assignment of color. Ultimately, the valid candidates lists are published with their number and color.

On August 30, 2017, the Electoral Council awarded in a public session the numbers by lot and the preference of color to the respective candidates list.

Number and color candidates lists Election 2017



UPP - Union Patriotico Progresista


PPA - Partido Patriotico di Aruba

MEP - Movimiento Electoral di Pueblo
CURPA - Cristiannan Uni Reforzando Potencial di Aruba
Deep purple
POR - Pueblo Orguyoso y Respeta 
Dark Blue
MAS - Movimiento Aruba Soberano
Light blue
RED - Red Democratico
AVP - Arubaanse Volkspartij / Christen Democraten Aruba

Ballot 2017

Ballot 2017