Sanitary measures - Importing meat

Since 2002 Aruba passed a law which only allows import of meat and meat products from:

  1. Member States of European Union;
  2. The United Sates of America;
  3. Third countries, i.e. countries other than the USA or countries from the EU, can only export to Aruba when they are either:  a) Countries approved by the USA for export to the USA or  b) Countries approved by the EU for export to the EU.

Note: The approval of countries and slaughterhouses is a long process in which legislation and its implementation, veterinary infrastructure, disease status and manufacturing practices are evaluated. As Aruba is a small country with limited resources, it has adopted the policy of following the risk analysis by respected sources that are both trustworthy and transparent in order to guarantee the local consumer with safe meat and meat products. Meat and meat products must be inspected prior to entry. The Aruban Veterinary Service should be contacted prior to shipment of meat and meat products.