Permit shop closing hours

According to the National Ordinance of shop closing hours, it's prohibited to have a shop open to the public on:

a) Sundays and certain holidays- and memorial days;

b) on other days before 6.00 hrs. and after 18.30 hrs.

On request an exemption can be granted for the shops to be opened during the week till 24:00 hrs. (midnight) and on Sundays and certain holidays- and memorial days from 9:00 to 22:00 hours.

Where to request? / More information at

The Division of Economic Policy Implementation, Office No. 14. Phone 582-1181 ext. 247.

How to request? / What must I do?

The written petition must include information of the applicant as well as of the shop (name, address, contact person, phone) and opening period/days and hours. Please note that the exemption can be requested for a period of up to 1 (calendar) year. Application for permit persuant to the National Ordinance of shop hours.

What to take with me?

The written petition and the required stamps.

What are the costs involved?

AWG. 12,00 for the stamps of which AWG. 4,00 is for the petition and AWG. 8,00 for the permit.

How long does it take?

A minimum of 5 working days.