Request In Aruba domiciled Corporation, Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Aruba Exempt Corporation (AEC) with managing director(s) not subject to a license


The business licensing guidelines pursuant to the Establishment Ordinance are amended effective October 1, 2022.

However, the requests under the “Business Establishment Ordinance” received before October 1, 2022, will be evaluated according to the old guidelines.

For more information, you may consult the following brochure (in Dutch):

Brochure beleidsrichtlijnen vestiging bedrijven ingaande 1 oktober 2022 

According to the Business Licensing Ordinance it is prohibited to establish and to operate a business, to take over or to continue a business, without a license of the Minister of Economic Affairs. A business is defined as any organization involved in the trade of goods and/or services  An Aruban born Dutch national or a person nationalized as Dutch citizen in Aruba and who is 18 years or older, does not require a business license to act as director according to this ordinance and the Business Licensing guidelines.

Where to request? / More information at

The division Establishment of business - helpdesk, office no. 15. Tel. 521-2400 ext. 250 of the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry.

How to request? / What must I do?

The application must contain the data of the corporation/company and the director(s), as well as of the to be established business (business activities, address etc.). Request can be submitted at the Helpdesk of the Department of Economic Affairs, Commerce and Industry

What to take with me?

The application form with an Awg. 4,00 stamp and the required documents (if applicable) mentioned in the guidelines.

What are the requirements?

When submitting an application one must take into account aforementioned regulation and the applicable guidelines.

  • Granting of a license pursuant to the Business Licensing Ordinance does not imply automatic approval of other required licenses.
  • Pursuant to the Regional development ordinance (AB2006 no. 38) all business types are required to have an adequate place of business.
  • The activities per location should be related as much as possible to one another.
What are the costs involved?

The fee for this license application is Awg. 400,00 for each corporation/company.

According to the regulation of fees DEACI the fees due have to be paid for processing. By or on behalf of the director of the DEACI a statement will be issued regarding the amount of the fee.