Cost of doing business

Real estate costs:

Real estate costs to be considered include:

  • Private property ownership (Eigendom = Grondbelasting)
  • Commercial long term land lease (Erfpacht = Erfpachtscanon)
  • Short term land lease (Huurgrond = Huur)

Average rent:

The average commercial rent in Aruba is Awg. 25,- per m2*.
(* calculation is based on samples collected by The Department of Economic Affairs, Trade & Industry  and is not an exact indication)

Utilities cost:

Electricity costs

N.V. Elmar new rates structure:

Small Commercial Rate

Fixed rate

Awg. 75,-

Large Commercial Rate

Fixed rateAwg. 9,50If the contract minimum is exceeded, the measured kVA must be billed. If the contract minimum is 650 kVA and the measured kVA is 700, then a fixed rate of 700 x Awg. 9,50 will be charged to the account.

Water cost:

The water tariff for commercial use is Awg. 9,50 per m3.


Gas for commercial use excluding installation costs are Awg. 125,- per gas cylinder and Awg.146,70 per refill.

Telecom & Broadband

Registration fee & annual contribution costs:

New businesses are subject to paying a registration fee upon registration at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Aruba and an annual contribution fee.
The registration fee and annual contribution are based on the total amount of capital invested in the business as appearing in the Chamber’s records on the 1st of January of each following year and is determined by the Minister of Economic Affairs according to the Ordinance on the Chamber of Commerce & Industry Aruba, art. 21, paragraph 1, c (NL). The Chamber of Commerce registration and annual contribution fee scheme may help you determine the amount that you will have to pay upon registering your business.

Social security premiums:

Old Age and Widow/Orphans Insurance (AOV/AWW)

At the age of 65, every citizen is entitled to an old age pension. The contribution for the old age and widow/orphans insurance is 13.5% of the annual income, of which the employee contributes with 4% and the employer with 9.5%. The maximum annual employer's contribution amounts to Awg. 6,180, which is related to a maximum annual income of Awg. 65,052.
In the case of a self-employed person, the contribution is 13.5%. The maximum annual contribution of a self-employed amounts to Awg. 8.782.
The monthly contribution has to be transferred by the employer before the 15th of the following month to the Tax Collector's Office.

General Health Insurance (AZV)

Wage compensation insurance:

Supplemental wage (Reparatie toeslag)

Health insurance (Ziekteverzekering)

The employer must insure each employee earning up to an annual maximum of Awg. 54,600,- for wage compensation due to an illness or accident. The contribution for this insurance is 2.65% of the employee's salary and is paid fully by the employer. Employees earning more than Awg. 54.600,- are not insured by the Sociale Verzekerings Bank (SVB).

Accident Insurance (OV)

An employer must insure each employee for on-the-job accidents, regardless of the employee's income. The contribution rate is not standard, but differs from industry to industry. Employers pay between 0.25% and 2.5% of the employee's salary up to a maximum annual income of Awg. 54.600,-. The monthly contribution has to be transferred by the employer before the 15th of the following month to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).

One time monetary compensation (Cessantia)

Mandatory general pension


Corporate Tax

Corporate or Profit tax (winstbelasting) is levied on:

  1. The profits of resident Limited Liability Companies, Aruba Exempt Companies, Limited Partnerships, and other companies or associations of which the capital is wholly or partly divided into shares, member associations and mutual insurance companies;
  2. The profits of associations, of which the capital is not divided into shares, and foundations other than those exclusively for the protection of a general social interest, resided in Aruba;
  3. The profits of entities established outside of Aruba (including all companies and associations, of which capital is wholly or partly divided into shares), performed through a permanent establishment in Aruba, from immovable property situated in Aruba, as well as profits from securities not in the ordinary course of business of the company, if the principal is secured by a mortgage on the mentioned property.

Dividend withholding tax (Dividend belasting)

Wage tax (Loonbelasting)

Income tax (Inkomstenbelasting)

Tourist and environmental levy (Bijzondere belasting verblijf)

Turnover tax (BBO)

Gaming tax (Speelvergunningsrecht belasting)

Road tax (Motorrijtuigbelasting)

Real estate property tax / Ground tax / Land tax (Grondbelasting)

Transfer tax (Overdrachtsbelasting)

Stamp tax (Zegelbelasting)


Tax incentives:

  • Imputation Payment Companies (Imputatiebetaling)

  • Special zone San Nicolas

  • Manufacturing product

The Chamber of Commerce registration and annual contribution fee