Earth Hour: Give an Hour to Nature

ORANJESTAD – On March 22, 2025, millions of people, businesses, and governments worldwide will participate in Earth Hour. 

Earth Hour is an initiative where lights are switched off to raise awareness about the importance of nature and how unnecessary energy consumption can sometimes affect the environment. In the Dutch Caribbean, several groups also participate in Earth Hour, which takes place at 8:30 PM local time.

In Aruba, the Department of Nature and Environment (DNM) is among the participants. They will turn off the lights of its building at Uncle Louis Store, located at B. v.d. Veen Zeppenfeldstraat 7 in San Nicolas. This symbolic action sends a message to the community that nature is under threat, including climate change.

Earth Hour was first launched by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Australia in 2007. It later expanded to San Francisco and then spread across the world. The World Wildlife Fund Netherlands (WWF-NL) contacted governments and businesses in the Dutch Caribbean to encourage participation in Earth Hour. Many organizations in our region have confirmed their involvement, such as the Department of Nature & Environment in Aruba, Tourism Corporation Bonaire, and the government of Saba, which will turn off their building lights. In Port St. Maarten, they will disconnect non-essential lights on the Causeway Bridge. WWF-NL invites the local community and other organizations to participate in Earth Hour.

Beyond switching off lights, WWF encourages people to do something positive for the planet beyond the 60-minute mark. It could include eating a vegetarian or vegan meal, increasing recycling efforts, planting a tree, or picking up litter. DNM, in turn, urges the community to utilize its tree registry on its website. This data is essential for recognizing and valuing large trees classified as monumental.

The Caribbean islands' participation in Earth Hour highlights their dedication to raising awareness of the consequences of climate change, which are becoming more evident every day. Small islands are particularly vulnerable to climate change, facing threats such as rising sea levels and increasing global temperatures. These changes can result in extreme temperatures, severe droughts, flooding, and hurricanes. All of these have significant impacts on island economies, as well as on the well-being and prosperity of nature and its people.

DNM is not only turning off the lights for Earth Hour but is also implementing sustainable changes within its building. Air conditioner temperatures are regulated after office hours at 4:30 PM to prevent excessive energy consumption. Its automated lighting system ensures that lights switch off when spaces are not in use. Water from the air conditioners is collected and repurposed for toilet flushing, reducing the use of high-quality potable water. They installed a green wall with plants to help filter the air in their office space. This is DNM’s contribution to nature and the planet. 
DNM hopes that the Aruban community will also take action and contribute to Earth Hour, a meaningful initiative that requires only effort.

Earth Hour