The Council of Ministers and Government Office staff bid farewell to Mr. Henny Eman.

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ORANJESTAD — Former Prime Minister Mr. Henny Eman's funeral was held on Monday, January 13, 2025. 

When relatives and friends arrived at the Government Office in the morning, the Council of Ministers and Government Office employees stood outside to honor Mr. Eman, Aruba's first prime minister, and offer their final respects. 

Jan Hendrik Albert "Henny" Eman's biography was briefly summarized by Vice Premier Xiomara Maduro that morning in Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes's absence.  

Henny Eman played a crucial role in Aruba's political growth and history. Mr. Eman served as Aruba's prime minister for two terms, from 1986 to 1989 and 1994 to 2001. At age 76, Henny Eman passed away. 

His accomplishments, legacy, and efforts will always play a significant role in Aruba's history. In addition to offering her sympathies, Minister Xiomara Maduro wished the AVP party, friends, and family strength with the loss of their loved one. 

Following this former leader's physical departure, the prime minister expressed her sincere condolences to his family and loved ones and regretted that she was unable to attend the funeral.