Presentation of the report Responsible and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Aruba

ORANJESTAD - On Monday, June 10, 2024, the Social Economic Council (SER) presented the report Responsible and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Aruba.

The SER focused on stimulating responsible and sustainable entrepreneurship in Aruba, considering its fundamental role in the Aruban economy's continued growth and diversification. In 2023, 539 new companies registered, a 12.8% increase compared to 2022 (1364). It indicates that the business climate in Aruba is positive.

The challenges identified by the SER include information centralization and making it more accessible to entrepreneurs. Strengthening financing and alternative financing mechanisms, like venture capital, business angels, and crowdfunding for start-ups, is also crucial.

The Minister of Economic Affairs, Communication, and Sustainable Development, Geoffrey Wever, thanks the SER for the advice on "Responsible and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Aruba" and will use it to expand and improve policies to continue working on enhancing the business climate in Aruba.