Opportunity to apply for the general practitioner training in Aruba

ORANJESTAD - Recently, Dr. Joel Rajnherc, Director of ImSan, announced that the prestigious "Huisartsenopleiding Aruba," accredited by Amsterdam UMC, is seeking enthusiastic candidates for the specialization of general practitioner.

Interested persons who completed their studies in the Netherlands or universities in the region, hold a "Master's Degree," and qualify for registration with BIG or AruBIG can apply.

The training begins on August 1, 2024, as AIOS (Arts in Opleiding tot Specialist), and candidates will specialize for three years to become a general practitioner in Aruba.

The Huisartsenopleiding Aruba started in 2009 to strengthen primary care in Aruba.  Huisartsenopleiding Amsterdam UMC, the Department of Public Health of Aruba (DVG), and the General Practitioners Association Aruba (HAVA) organize this training. The location is the "Instituto Medico San Nicolas" (ImSan).

Minister of Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, invites candidates who meet the requirements to apply for the training to specialize and become a general practitioner in Aruba.

Dr. Joel Rajnherc, Director di ImSan
Dr. Joel Rajnherc, Director di ImSan