It is the season when sea turtles nest on the beach.

ORANJESTAD - The Department of Nature and Environment (DNM) wants to inform the community that we are entering the season when sea turtles nest on our beaches. 

Aruba's territorial waters are home to four species of sea turtles that come ashore from March to December to lay eggs. 
These species include:

  1. The Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata);
  2. the Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta);
  3. the Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas);
  4. and the Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea).

Both local and international laws prohibit harassing or harming turtles or their nests. Therefore, DNM urges the community that when they see a turtle on the beach, they should not approach it and not disturb the nesting process. With the camping season soon to begin and a bigger flow of seagoers expected, DNM warns in advance to keep distance if encountering a nest or a turtle on the beach. The DNM urges the community to respect our natural resources and marine life. The TurtugAruba Foundation is the authority monitoring sea turtles when they come ashore to lay eggs and advises people to immediately contact them at 592-9393 if they encounter a turtle nesting on land.

DNM provides some suggestions for sea goers:

  • During snorkeling or diving, keep a distance and stay away from sea turtles. Do not touch or feed them.
  • Keep our beaches clean from litter, take all waste home, and do not leave it on the beach;
  • Cover all holes dug in the white sand for recreation and leave the sand flat to make it easier for sea turtles to use the beach for nesting;
  • Do not use light on or along the sea at night, as sea turtles are sensitive to artificial light, which can distract them from their purpose.

In cases of violations of nature conservation laws, contact the police. Let us together help preserve our nature for future generations and respect our biodiversity.

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