Implementation Report 2023 URK4 is available on the government websites.

ORANJESTAD - Recently, the Ministry of Finance and Culture shared information about the Implementation Report for the last quarter of 2023, better known as URK4, which contains data for 2023.


URK4 provides an overview of the realization of the 2023 budget, among other things, Aruba's debt, financial management, payments for projects carried out using the financial instrument of Public-Private Partnership (PPP), the liquidity position of the government, and an overview of the financial results of the collective sector of Aruba.

Key Indicators

The financial result for 2023 shows a surplus of 2.7%, which is higher than the 1% norm for the surplus in 2023. The primary balance, meaning the balance without interest expenses, is around 6.7%. The debt ratio of the Country of Aruba shows a declining trend and reached 81.6% in 2023, after being 96.6% in 2022, 108% in 2021, and 127.1% in 2020 during the pandemic. Personnel expenses amounted to 457 million florins, below the norm of 479 million florins. According to the financial credibility development graph of Fitch Rating and Standard and Poor's (S&P) over the past 20 years, Aruba's financial credibility declined during the pandemic years and is now rising again. Aruba lost its investment rating with Fitch but retained it with S&P. The government has also started working with the rating agency Moody's, which has given Aruba an investment rating.

Financial Overview

The financial result of the Country of Aruba in 2023 shows a surplus of 2.7%, which amounts to 183.1 million florins. The result of the Collective Sector, which includes the financial result of the government together with AZV, SVB, ATA, Serlimar, Stichting EPB, and the University of Aruba, is a surplus of 4.1%, amounting to 282 million florins. For 2023, Aruba meets the financial norm of a surplus of 1% of GDP.

All financial information is public

The Implementation Report for the fourth quarter of 2023, URK4 is a public document that contains much more financial information and is published on the government websites,, and under the page news - reports and documents - financial supervision.