Digitalization of Medical Care

ORANJESTAD – On Tuesday, November 7, 2023, the Minister of Tourism and Public Health, Mr. Dangui Oduber, together with the Director of Setar N.V., Mr. Roland Croes, and the Director of the Social Insurance Bank of Aruba (AZV), Mr. Edwin Jacobs, announced the digitalization of medical care in Aruba.

In the context of improving the quality and service of healthcare, they signed an agreement in the form of a partnership between the government, Setar, and AZV to digitize the entire healthcare sector using technology and innovation.

The phase 1 application for the "Aruba Health App" is intended to continue facilitating services in medical care, and this application will be further developed in a more efficient, transparent, and accessible manner for all insured individuals, allowing them to use the digital system.

The system will have features such as scheduling appointments via the MiDokterDiCas app. Additionally, patients can receive prescriptions via MiRemedi, and all test results from the general practitioner via MiLaboratorio.

They will digitize the entire healthcare sector to improve services and the quality of care for all general practitioners more efficiently, transparently, and fast. This way, the community can be better informed and feel more in control of their health and quality of life.

The innovation of this platform allows insured individuals to access their medical information 24 hours a day, which is a faster process than was previously available.