Credit rating agency Fitch Ratings is in Aruba.

ORANJESTAD - The American credit rating agency Fitch Ratings is in Aruba to assess its economy and public finances.

A country’s financial reputation is crucial, as it is what investors evaluate when deciding to place their trust in that country. 
To assess how it is doing financially, Aruba uses rating companies, like Fitch and Standard & Poor’s yearly.

This week, Fitch Ratings is in Aruba to conduct an evaluation and provide their opinion on Aruba’s economy and public finances. Executives from Fitch Ratings will meet with various individuals and institutions to form an objective opinion. The first meeting was with Finance Minister Maduro and the team from the Department of Finance, where they received an extensive presentation on Aruba’s economic performance and the country’s financial figures.

This year marks 25 years of collaboration between Aruba and Fitch Ratings, a milestone for which Minister Xiomara Maduro has expressed her gratitude to the executives of Fitch Ratings for their services and dedicated work toward the well-being of Aruba.

Meeting credit rating agency, Fitch Ratings with Minister of Finance Xiomara Maduro together with the team of Department of Finance.