Consular Corps of Aruba meets with the Prime Minister

ORANJESTAD – Recently, the Consular Corps of Aruba and Jocelyne Croes, Director of the Department of Foreign Relations (DBB), met with Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes to discuss various important topics. 

The Consular Corps of Aruba represents all Professional and Honorary Consuls established in Aruba. It falls under the Foreign Relations portfolio, which in turn falls under the Ministry of General Affairs.

Aruba's population consists of people of different nationalities who have come to Aruba and contributed to its economic development. The Minister of Labor, Integration, and Energy, Glenbert Croes, recently reached an agreement with the Consular Corps called the Cooperation Protocol for an efficient solution for permit granting. Through the consulates, a support platform will assist and guide everyone who wants to make a life in Aruba. They will help those who want to regularize their legal status in Aruba, apply for a permit extension, or obtain their permit. This protocol will ensure that the process occurs via a legitimate channel, with the assistance of DPL or DIMAS, through the consulates.

This agreement eliminates possible abuse by intermediaries who often scam those applying for permits, charging astronomical sums and ultimately failing to deliver or return the paid amount.

The Prime Minister indicated that a consul is a high-ranking official recognized by the Vienna Convention. It acknowledges the privileges, rights, and authority of a consul, and in Aruba, the consuls enjoy all these privileges and exercise their work freely, representing the citizens of their country.

The Prime Minister holds a meeting with the consuls every three months to discuss all topics of concern for them and the citizens of the country they represent.