Conference "Breaking the Silence of Violence against Women"

ORANJESTAD - The whole world celebrates International Women's Day on March 8. 

In 1977, the United Nations officially recognized this date as International Women's Day after several decades of struggle for women's rights, which began in 1909. This date provides an opportunity to admire and celebrate women's efforts to eliminate all forms of gender inequality worldwide.

In the context of this special day, the Faculty of Law at the University of Aruba, together with CEDEHM, FCVR, and HIAS, is organizing a conference on the topic of violence against women, which will take place on March 6, 2024, at 9 a.m. in the Auditorium of the University of Aruba. To participate, you can register via the following link: 

Data from various studies show that gender-based violence, including violence against women and girls, also occurs in Aruba. Violence against women includes any act that results in or is likely to result in physical or mental harm. Violence against women can take place in different ways. It can be in a personal form, for example, in cases of domestic violence perpetrated by family members or abuse against a partner. Violence can also take place in the form of institutional or structural discrimination. 

The United Nations describes this form of violence as 'any form of structural inequality or institutional discrimination that leaves women in a dependent position, whether physically or mentally, on others in their family, home, or community.' Examples of this can be customs or religious or cultural traditions that harm women. Another example could be laws that prevent or deny women equal access to necessary resources or work opportunities. The consequences for victims of violence against women are profound. It impacts not only their physical health but also their mental health. Additionally, they suffer financially and socially. Violence against women represents a clear violation of the fundamental rights of a human being. 

Urgent action is required to eliminate this form of violence.

This conference aims to bring women and men together to discuss the topic of violence against women and girls in Aruba. The conference will discuss various topics, like the forms, scenarios, and causes of violence, from the perspective of human rights laws combined with the local context. It will discuss the challenges faced in Aruba when it comes to discussing violence against women. Additionally, it will emphasize different vulnerable factors that women experience based on their nationality, age, and legal status. 

Violence against women is not just a problem that affects women. It is a social problem with challenges for families, communities, and the entire community of Aruba. Violence against women is a crime, a form of discrimination, and a violation of a person's fundamental rights. There is no justification to continue allowing victims to suffer this injustice in silence due to shame or fear. Let's break the silence of violence against women and work together to find solutions that can help shape a more equal community in Aruba.
Invitation Conference "Breaking the Silence of Violence against Women" 

Invitacion Conferencia "Kibrando e silencio di violencia contra hende muhe"