Aruba and the Netherlands sign financial agreement

ORANJESTAD - On June 4, 2024, Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes and the Dutch State Secretary for Kingdom Relations, Alexandra van Huffelen, signed the financial agreement approved on May 24, 2024, via a video conference.

The Prime Minister indicates that this agreement benefits Aruba, as the interest on the COVID-19 debt immediately drops from 6.9% to 5.1% and brings an additional 16 million florins into the government's coffers. The government will invest this money in significant projects.

Now that the agreement is signed, the next phase entails negotiations to reach a Kingdom Act. There are still three points to negotiate: the first one is the exact standards for which the IMF will advise Aruba and the Netherlands. The second is to define the exit clause to indicate when the government can exit the Kingdom Act. And finally, negotiations are needed on what financial arrangement the Netherlands is willing to provide Aruba for the old debt.

If Aruba and the Netherlands realize the Kingdom Act before May 2025, the interest rate will drop to 3.4%, bringing even more benefits to Aruba.