Presentation of certificates to participants Social Formation

ORANJESTAD - On June 26, 2024, the certificate ceremony was held at the Dutch Marine Base in Savaneta for the young people who completed the Social Formation trajectory, Social Vormings Traject (SVT). 

Prime Minister Evelyn Wever-Croes presented the certificates for those who completed the first part of the training. 
They have undergone four months of rigorous semi-military training and received discipline, structure, teamwork, and personal goals training.  

The participants told the Prime Minister about their experiences. The perseverance of the Social Formation/SVT2 group is admirable. This day is a testimony to the determination, strength, and courage that characterize them, who overcame challenges and achieved extraordinary goals.  

The Prime Minister thanked the Dutch Marine Base for assisting the government in providing new opportunities to the youth. She also thanks the staff, parents, and families of the graduates,
and congratulated the graduates who completed the first part of the course.