Medical screening procedure for residence or work permit

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ORANJESTAD – Foreign nationals who applied for a residence or work permit and received a 'Voorlopige Toelating Aruba' (VTA) from the Department of Policy, Admission and Integration of Foreign National (Departamento di Integracion, Maneho y Admission di Stranhero - DIMAS), must report to a doctor approved by the Department of Public Health (DVG) for mandatory medical screening.    

Currently, Medwork doctors perform the screening. Once DVG approves more doctors, they publish them on their website,

To make an appointment, the applicant must:
Go in person to Medwork, located at Margrietstraat 3, Oranjestad, on weekdays (Monday through Friday) between 8:00-12:00 and 13:00-16:00.
Bring along a valid passport and the Provisional Admission Aruba letter.

The is Afl. 75.00 and must be paid on the spot. 

Medwork will provide referral letters for examinations such as:

  • PPD/Mantoux tests, 
  • chest X-ray;
  • blood tests.

Applicants must pay these examination fees at the appropriate medical institutions.

More information about the procedure and the medical institution where you can do the tests is available on the website of the DIMAS and the DVG.