Extension of formation order Government of Aruba

ORANJESTAD - The Governor of Aruba, His Excellency Alfonso Boekhoudt, appointed Mr. Michiel G. Eman and Mrs. Gerlien L. Croes on January 14, as formateurs.

In the weeks that followed, the formateurs regularly briefed the Governor on the progress of the execution of the formation assignment.

Today, the formateurs handed the Governor an interim report on the formation's progress. The formateurs have spoken to a wide range of organizations in recent weeks. However, the assessment of the suitability of candidates for the office of Minister and Plenipotentiary Minister, by the requirements of the National Integrity Ministers Ordinance, has yet to begin. Since the audit is held to safeguard the integrity of the public administration, sufficient time must be allowed to carry out this audit so that it is carried out carefully.

Today, the Governor requested the formators to submit the final governance agreement and the portfolio allocation to him no later than March 13 to ensure that the results of the investigations carried out under the National Integrity Ministers Regulation can also be discussed on that date.