AUA Airport bids farewell to Joost Meijs

ORANJESTAD - Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) recently held two events in the new US Departure terminal at Aruba (AUA) Airport.

The first evening was an intimate evening for all Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) staff and the second one for all its stakeholders in the airport and aviation industry.

Over 400 invitees had the opportunity to say farewell to Joost Meijs, the outgoing CEO of AUA Airport. During the second evening, the Governor of Aruba, His Excellency Alfonso Boekhoudt, the Prime Minister, Minister Danguillaume Oduber, Parliament members, airport authorities, and all partners and stakeholders in the aviation industry were in attendance. During both evenings, there were several speeches and a presentation on the project Gateway 2030.  

“Yes, it is time for the promised personal note. I clearly remember the welcome speeches five years ago of Prime Minister Wever-Croes, Minister Oduber, and the chairperson of the Board at that time, Marion Kan, which were all completely aligned in putting pressure on the AAA team and me as the new CEO by being very explicit in what they expected: The execution of Gateway 2030 in an organized, controlled and well-managed way” said Joost Meijs in his farewell speech.

It was most befitting that AAA held the farewell of Joost Meijs in the now-completed Phase 1A US Departure terminal. At the start of his tenure as CEO that was his most essential task: successfully implement the planned large-scale investment in the airport terminal and other critical infrastructure named Gateway 2030. The first phase, a new baggage handling system, and US Departure check-in hall, have now been completed and were delivered as planned. It involved an investment of more than USD 140 million, and a group of Aruban construction companies carried it out.  Construction of the second phase of Gateway 2030, the hold room and gate areas for additional aircraft stands, is expected to start in the second half of 2024.

“Today with the celebration of the delivery of the first phase of Gateway, it has also been made clear that the team knows what they are doing with the execution of our capital program Gateway 2030. Aruba Airport has a fantastic team, and it is thanks to the good work and enormous commitment of all colleagues and my fellow leadership team members that the airport has become so successful in implementing its business strategy”, continued Joost Meijs.

Unfortunately, AAA cannot announce the next CEO yet. The process of appointing a new CEO is in the good hands of Royal Schiphol Group, the supervisory board, and the shareholders, who are confident that they will be able to present the right candidate for the CEO position soon.
In ending his farewell speech, Joost Meijs thanked the Government of Aruba, the Supervisory board, the Shareholder, Royal Schiphol Group, and all his colleagues for their trust, input, critical notes, and above all professional friendship and for simply being his colleague. “I am confident that you will all make sure the airport remains on track. Aruba and the airport are gems in the Caribbean, and they deserve to continue to shine and glitter! I will surely miss them”, concluded Joost Meijs.

Joost Meijs, CEO of Aruba Airport Authority N.V. (AAA) since August 2019, is leaving Aruba Airport after his 5-year appointment term. During his tenure, together with the other members of AAA management and all employees of the airport made numerous improvements to the airport in recent years. These include the Gateway 2030 project and the further development of AUA Airport into one of the most sustainable, safe, and future-oriented airports in South America and the Caribbean. To this end, AUA Airport consistently invests in its four strategic pillars: the development of its employees, the quality of its service and airport infrastructure, innovations and new opportunities, sustainability, and social responsibility.